About the APR

Guiding Principles

Several principles guide the revised academic program review process:

  • The APR process is based on an evaluation of unit strengths and weaknesses according to a common set of criteria, and should inform continuous improvement efforts that lead to short- and long-term planning.
  • The self-study should be evidence-based, making use of outcomes assessment, performance measures and other commonly accepted higher education metrics to support the assurance arguments related to each criterion.
  • The program review process will facilitate increased collaboration and coordination with other campus programs and constituents.
  • The self-study report will define the unit’s goals and strategy for moving towards those goals in terms that are consistent with the mission and strategic plan of the unit and the university.
  • An Initial Action Plan will be generated as a direct response to the entire review process. It will reflect both short-term and long-term action items that are aligned with the goals and mission of the unit, college/school, and university. The action items will be feasible (with respect to resources), sustainable, and measurable. The unit will provide an update on progress toward the action items outlined in this plan at the Mid-Cycle Check-in, scheduled 3 years prior to a unit's next APR.
  • Academic Program Review is one part of UNM’s comprehensive plan for accountability. This review process feeds into other efforts to measure institutional effectiveness.